You have a new baby on the way - what do you need? This is the list of the essentials for soothing your baby - whether it is medicine cabinet items, or things to just help them settle down.
By newborn - I really mean a newborn - up to 1 month old. And by essentials - I mean the absolute basics. You may want to look at the 10 Best ‘Nice to Have’ Items for Newborns, as well as the 10 More Nice to Have Items for Newborns to see what else is out there.
And of course, there is much more a newborn needs. Check out the Top 10 Feeding and Diaper Needs, Top 10 Sleeping and Bathing Necessities, and Top 10 Travel Needs for Newborns.
Top 10 Soothing and Illness Items for Newborns
- Digital thermometer - rectal works best for newborns.
- Also have some petroleum jelly at the ready to apply to the thermometer before inserting.
- Nasal aspirator, sometimes also called a bulb syringe. When I was a new parent I thought this was totally unnecessary - but it only took a few weeks before we were needing to help our baby clear her nose.
- Nail clippers. Get one with a small magnifying glass - you’ll thank me later!
- Diaper rash cream. I know, I mentioned it in the diaper top 10 as well, but this is important stuff.
- Pacifiers. Some parents are very anti-pacifier, but my wife and I are neutral. We used them with one child, and our second wouldn't have anything to do with them. You may need to try a couple of brands to find ones that work for you - and they do come in different sizes.
- Mobile for the crib. Musical ones that automatically move work wonders! This mobile looks pretty nice - multiple music options, animals, and projects images.
- Lullaby music - can again work wonders. Your favorite music service, like Google Play, likely has plenty of options. Or you can buy CDs for just a couple dollars at your local baby store.
- Infant seat. One that wiggles or rocks and has music is great! The rocker below is a good example, or you can get a cheaper, simpler bouncer.
- Floor play mat. Keep it thin (in case the baby falls asleep - you don’t want a SIDS risk!). Our kids loved one similar to this one - it kept them engaged and it was fun for us as well.
Where’s the infant tylenol, you might ask? Well, it is best to wait until at least two months old before using acetaminophen or tylenol.
Since this covers newborns up to 1 month, this means you don’t have to worry about solid food or your baby crawling and getting into things yet. However, you probably want to think about that now. See the Top 10 essential babyproofing safety tips for a sneak-peak.
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